Most B2B executives decide who to do business with by first visiting a prospective vendor's website. We can help to ensure that your website's content and design seamlessly move these visitors along their consideration path and on to a conversion.
We help you keep your website fresh by developing engaging introductions to boost readership of your white papers, case studies, newsletters and other updates posted to your site. Our clients also maximize readership of their promotional materials, such as brochures and sell sheets, by having FPS reformulate them for optimum readership online.
We'll work with you to establish hierarchy, categorization and labeling of your content, to ensure users quickly and easily find what they're looking for, to help turn visitor attention into positive behavior.
FPS helps you keep your digital content organized and readily accessible for either internal or external use, with intuitively structured resource libraries.
Services include intelligent structuring and archiving of previously published information, and the reposting of new information as it becomes available. Relationship managers benefit from centralized access to your bank's product and services information as they prepare for client calls. Your clients and prospects will appreciate one-click access to a comprehensive library of white papers, case studies, articles and videos, all searchable by product and/or industry.